⏸️ Pressing pause

Happy Friday! Today’s edition touches on two recurring themes we’ve been talking about lately: personal brands and LinkedIn. Whether you’re a seasoned vet or brand new to the freelance game, this is a huge opportunity right now. And you owe it to yourself to get educated so you can cash in.

Mentioned in today’s newsletter: AI, Google Ads, and Bing. Plus how to capture underpriced attention on LinkedIn.

Read time: 2 minutes and 55 seconds

Together with Fast Foundations

Happening today:
Free personal branding masterclass with Lewis Howes and Chris & Lori Harder

Every freelancer should be building a personal brand in 2023. Why? Because demonstration is the most powerful form of proof. And by establishing a presence on social media, you can attract inbound leads just by demonstrating your expertise to prospective clients.

And with over 2.4 million followers on Instagram alone, there’s no one better to learn personal branding from than Lewis Howes. That’s why you’re invited to attend Fast Foundation’s free Personal Branding Masterclass on March 31 (that’s TODAY!), where Lewis will be sharing his secrets in an action-packed keynote speech.

Plus you’ll also get to learn from personal branding experts Chris & Lori Harder, Jim Carter, and R.T. Custer on how to position yourself as an expert and profit from it in 2023.

Making the Rounds

  • 1,100+ tech and business leaders sign open letter asking for AI labs to hit pause. The world is still figuring out everything GPT-4 can do, but Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and others are asking all AI labs to stop training new models for at least 6 months.

  • Google is (finally) launching an ad library. One of the best market research techniques is to study other advertisers. Up until recently, that wasn’t possible on Google unless you paid for a 3rd-party spy tool. But not anymore. Google is launching the Ads Transparency Center, which will function much like Meta’s Ad Library, letting anyone look up advertisers to see which ads they’re running.

  • Take a sneak peek at Bing Chat ads. It was only a matter of time until Microsoft figured out how to integrate ads into its popular new Bing chatbot. This screenshot gives us an early look.

Working With Clients

How to Capture Underpriced Attention on LinkedIn

Faithful readers may have noticed us talking more about LinkedIn recently.

Well, now it’s time to make it official:

We are slugging back the LinkedIn Kool-Aid with a grin on our faces.

Seriously, the amount of organic reach you can get on your posts — even with a tiny amount of followers — is unparalleled compared to any other social platform.

(Check out today’s LinkedIn post in the Bonus Points section below for proof. When you look at the ratio of impressions on that post to followers… it’s unreal.)

As Gary Vaynerchuk says, “you need to buy underpriced attention wherever you can get it.”

And attention is in the bargain bin on LinkedIn right now.

So, what’s the best way to leverage this opportunity as a freelancer?

  • Turn on Creator Mode (it’s free)

  • Optimize your profile pic + banner image

  • Write a captivating, benefit-driven headline

  • Post helpful content 2-7x per week

  • Connect with a few freelancers and business owners every day

It’s as simple as that.

If you want to go deeper…

Personal brands are more important than ever in 2023.

Not only do they signal authority to clients…

But they also give you clout, distribution, and increase your luck surface area so more opportunities flow your way.

Don’t sleep on it.

Get out there and start taking action today.

Bonus Points

Gig Alerts

Looking for clients? These freelance jobs were posted on Upwork in the last 24 hours:

NOTE: We only share job postings from Upwork. We’ve found it to be the most trustworthy platform with the highest-quality clients.

Furthermore, job postings must be for high-income skills like copywriting, media buying, funnel building, graphic design, remote closing, etc in order to qualify.

In Case You Missed It:

Monday: 🗣️ TikTok under fire
Tuesday: 🚫 Work-from-home cancelled
Wednesday: 🎥 Reel long
Thursday:🕰️ Native post scheduling

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