🚫 Work-from-home cancelled

Happy Tuesday! April is almost here. Can you believe it? With the Earth rotating rapidly on its axis, make sure to check out today’s Working For Yourself section below the fold for some tips on quarterly planning.
Discussed in today’s newsletter: Remote work, Twitter, and digital nomads. Plus how to set yourself up for success in Q2.
Read time: 2 minutes and 12 seconds

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Making the Rounds

72.5% of U.S. businesses reported little to no remote work last year. With the pandemic fading away, employers are pushing everyone to come back into the office. Perk #17462 of being a freelancer: no on-sites necessary.
Bold, italics, and underlining are coming to a Twitter feed near you. CEO Elon Musk originally announced it back in January, but now text formatting has moved to the pre-deployment stage. Let chaos reign.
12 cities for digital nomads to explore in 2023. Looking for a change of scenery? Insider compiled this list of 12 cities with low cost-of-living ideal for digital nomads.

Working For Yourself
How to Set Yourself Up For Success in Q2

The first 3 months of 2023 are almost up.
Here are two things you can do to set yourself up for success in Q2:
1) Conduct a quarterly review
Use these questions to guide yourself:
What happened this quarter?
What learning lessons & corrections came from this quarter?
What wins did I have this quarter?
What am I looking forward to next quarter?
It’s important to extract lessons and wins from your day-to-day experiences on a regular basis.
This also sets the stage for the next step.
2) Set goals for Q2
Once you’ve completed your Q1 review, set goals for the upcoming quarter based on how you’re pacing.
Metrics you may want to focus on include:
Topline revenue
# of pitches sent
# of new clients closed
# of days off
Etc etc
Which metrics you decide to focus on are totally up to you.
But the goals you set should reflect your priorities within the business.
One way to frame this is to consider growth vs development:
Growth is all about increasing revenue, clients, and profits.
Meanwhile, development is all about building the foundation you need to grow further.
No business can sustain the same rate of growth forever.
And on the flipside, no business should be stuck in a development stage forever.
Healthy businesses shift back and forth between the two.
Use this as food for thought when mapping out your goals for Q2.

Bonus Points
📸 Instagram: 5 steps to write a high-converting LinkedIn headline

Gig Alerts
Looking for clients? These freelance jobs were posted on Upwork in the last 24 hours:
NOTE: We only share job postings from Upwork. We’ve found it to be the most trustworthy platform with the highest-quality clients.
Furthermore, job postings must be for high-income skills like copywriting, media buying, funnel building, graphic design, remote closing, etc in order to qualify.
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