✍️ TikTok ban signed into law

Happy Friday! Welcome back to The Freelance Gig. We're like the Swiss Army Knife for your freelance business. Full of handy tools, tips, and tricks, but without the risk of stabbing yourself.

Mentioned in today’s newsletter: TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, AdBlock, Meta, and Chrome. Plus why free audits make for strong front-end offers, and one easy way to boost productivity.

Read time: 3 minutes and 27 seconds

Together with The Website Flip

How to flip websites for fun and profit

Looking for a new side hustle?

Check out The Website Flip.

Each week, they send out 10+ websites and aged domains for sale, along with case studies and data-driven guides on how to acquire, grow, and sell sites at a profit.

Making the Rounds

  • Governor of Montana signs TikTok ban into law. The ban is guaranteed to face legal challenges before going into effect in January 2024, but if upheld, it could be the first domino to fall.

  • Elon Musk announces new Twitter CEO. Former NBC chief of ad sales Linda Yaccarino will become the bird app’s new head honcho. Fun fact: Yaccarino is known as the “Velvet Hammer” for her approach to negotiating. We’re guessing she’ll need more velvet and less hammer if she hopes to lure big advertisers back to the platform. 

  • YouTube experimenting with content restriction for ad blockers. The new feature would make it impossible to watch content on YouTube when ad blockers like AdBlock or Ghostery are active in your browser. That’s one way to juice those Premium subscriber numbers. 

  • Meta launches AI Sandbox for advertisers. As generative AI eats the world, it was only a matter of time before our favorite ad platform added it into their product suite. Now advertisers using Meta’s Advantage suite can leverage AI to generate multiple copy variations, background images, and even edit images for different placements. 

  • RIP 3rd-party cookies. Google will deprecate 3rd-party cookies for 1% of Chrome users and migrate them to its new Privacy Sandbox model in Q1 of next year.

Working With Clients

Why Free Audits Make For Strong Front-End Offers

There are few things less enticing in this world than a “free discovery call.”

But if you’re a freelancer looking to land clients…

What else are you supposed to do to get prospects on the phone?


Repackage it into a free audit.

Not only does this deliver tangible value to clients up front…

But it also allows you to step into the trusted advisor frame…

Where your job is to diagnose the problem, then prescribe a solution just like a doctor or surgeon would.

And this subtle shift in positioning can make it much easier to close deals.

Plus, by auditing the assets they’d like you to work on, model, or make more of…

You’ll be able to hit the ground running ASAP.


Working For Yourself

Shake Up Your Environment to Boost Productivity

One downside to working remotely:

The lines between work and leisure spaces can get blurry.

That’s why shaking up your environment throughout the day can help if you run into a brick wall with creativity or concentration.

Whether it’s going from your apartment to a local coffee shop…

Or simply from the office to the couch…

A change of scenery from morning to afternoon can give you a much-needed jolt in productivity.

Tool of the Week

TextExpander: Save time with simple shortcodes

TextExpander eliminates wasted time on repetitive tasks.

This trusty time-saver lets you set up shortcodes for just about anything you can think of…

So you can auto-populate a chunk of text, big or small, in just a few keystrokes.

It may not sound like a game-changer…

But once you start using it, you’ll realize how much time you just got back.

Give it a go at the link below:

Bonus Points

Looking to level up in life and business? We’ve scoured the internet to find even more helpful content for you across all of our favorite platforms:

Gig Alerts:

Looking for clients? These freelance jobs were posted on Upwork in the last 24 hours:

NOTE: We only share job postings from Upwork. We’ve found it to be the most trustworthy platform with the highest-quality clients.

Furthermore, job postings must be for high-income skills like copywriting, media buying, funnel building, graphic design, remote closing, etc in order to qualify.

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