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Happy Friday! This is the Freelance Gig, where we share news, tools, tips, and tricks to help grow your freelance business.

Welcome to the 177 subscribers who’ve joined us since the last edition.

Mentioned in today’s email: Apple, LinkedIn, Instagram, X, and Adobe. Plus what you’re really selling as a freelancer, and how to harness the power of compound interest in your freelance career.

Read time: 2 minutes and 57 seconds

Together with Opus Pro

The secret to growing on LinkedIn in 2024

There's a rising demand for high-quality video content on LinkedIn, creating a major growth opportunity.

How can you capitalize? Just grab your existing videos, and use OpusClip to turn them into clips and schedule them to post on LI.

Working With Clients

WANTED: Money at a Discount

Let’s say you’re a copywriter, ghostwriter, website designer, or funnel builder.

The “product” you sell is actually a service, right?


What you sell is an OUTCOME:

  • Leads

  • Appointments

  • Product demos

  • Sales calls

  • Clients

  • Free trials

  • Purchases

  • Renewals

  • Etc

Clients aren’t looking for another line item to add to their expense report

They’re looking for the fastest and most direct way to achieve a specific outcome.

And in marketing, that outcome usually means “buying” money at a discount (by paying you to produce a result that helps generate revenue for their business).

So the next time you’re pitching a new prospect

Remember: clients don’t buy services, they buy results.

The sooner you can figure out what result they’re in the market for, the easier it will be to sign them as a client.

Making the Rounds

POLL: Have you ever tried cold email to get clients?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Working For Yourself

How to Harness the Power of Compound Interest in Your Freelance Career

Finance experts say the secret to building wealth is compound interest.

That’s why Warren Buffett accumulated 97% of his wealth after his 65th birthday.

But while we may not all be able to replicate Buffett’s investing success

There’s another way freelancers can put this mechanism to work for themselves:

By stacking high-income skills.

You see, it takes a very long time to master deep skills like copywriting, media buying, design, etc

And while it’s definitely worth committing to

If you can develop other skills that complement or intersect with your primary skill

You can see some explosive gains.

For example: 

Most copywriters know nothing about paid traffic

And most media buyers can’t write copy.

The same thing goes for copywriting and graphic design or funnel building.

It’s an unusual combo you don’t see very often.

So by developing competence where those two skills intersect, you can carve out a unique position in the market

Opening the door to many more opportunities than most other freelancers will ever get.

And over time, mastering these skills will deliver a much higher return than any other investment you could make (unless you are Warren Buffett, of course ;).

AI Prompts For Freelancers

Prompt of the Week: The Debt Collector

This AI prompt is designed to help you craft an email to collect on an unpaid invoice.

Here is the prompt:

I need to craft an email to a client to politely remind them about an unpaid invoice. The invoice was sent 30 days ago, and payment is now overdue. The client is usually prompt with their payments, and this is the first time there's been a delay. I want to maintain a positive relationship while firmly requesting the payment. Please include the invoice number, the amount due, and the original due date in the email. Keep the tone casual, friendly, and conversational.

Tool of the Week

Fix your broken browser experience with Shift

Shift is a desktop app that streamlines work by displaying each email account vertically (along with any other apps you’d like to include) along the left-hand side of your screen.

It sounds trivial, but this accordion-style set up is a game-changer for productivity.

Plus it lets you organize browser tabs by email account, making it much easier to flip back and forth without losing your place.

It’s quickly become one of our core tools for running a freelance business.

Bonus Points

đŸ—Łïž Marketing: Why you need to make more noise online (link)

đŸ’Ș Success: 20 soft skills to accelerate your career success (link)

đŸ€ Clients: Free 90-min masterclass on how to get clients on-demand (link)