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Happy Wednesday! We hope your Q2 is off to a strong start.

Discussed in today’s newsletter: Facebook, Instagram, Lemon8, ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing Chat. Plus one simple question to ask new clients during onboarding.

Read time: 2 minutes and 9 seconds

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Email marketing advice for freelancers

How should you segment your audience? Personalize your messaging? And leverage automation to get off the “email hamster wheel”... without getting overwhelmed?

Create and Sell answers these freelancer questions and more 2x per week.

Founder Brennan Dunn has sold millions of dollars of his own products and services via email over the past 10 years. And now, he wants to send you in-depth guides on how to build an audience that buys, case studies on creators crushing it with email, honest reviews of email marketing tools, and much more.

All for free in just 2 short emails per week.

Making the Rounds

  • Facebook and Instagram users in the EU can now opt-out of ad tracking. With Meta set to start complying with new privacy laws in the EU, users can now opt-out of ad tracking using this free tool.

  • Lemon8 cracks top 10 most-downloaded apps in the App Store. The photo-sharing app is owned by TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, and is best described as a crossover between Instagram and Pinterest.

  • What’s the difference between ChatGPT vs Bard vs Bing? If someone put a gun to our head and asked us to explain the difference between Bard and ChatGPT, we’d be asking for our last rites. Luckily, our friends at Search Engine Journal wrote this handy dandy article to break down the intricacies of the two, along with Bing Chat.

Working With Clients

One Simple Question to Ask New Clients During Onboarding

Want to make sure you start every new client relationship off on the right foot?

Here’s a simple way to avoid any major landmines before the ball gets rolling…

Ask them this one question:

“Have you ever hired someone else to help you with [YOUR AREA OF EXPERTISE]? If so, what did you like or dislike about it?”

If a client has hired freelancers in the past…

Finding out what they did or didn’t like about the experience is basically a cheat code to managing (and exceeding) expectations from the get-go.

All you have to do is mirror anything they did like and AVOID anything they didn’t.

And if they haven’t, it’s a great reminder to overcommunicate when it comes to your process and timeline.

Either way, their question is guaranteed to reveal valuable intel.

Bonus Points

Gig Alerts

Looking for clients? These freelance jobs were posted on Upwork in the last 24 hours:

NOTE: We only share job postings from Upwork. We’ve found it to be the most trustworthy platform with the highest-quality clients.

Furthermore, job postings must be for high-income skills like copywriting, media buying, funnel building, graphic design, remote closing, etc in order to qualify.

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