📉 Dwindling ad revenues

Happy Thursday! Special shoutout to subscriber Christine R., who has referred 10 people to the newsletter and unlocked all 3 of our referral rewards. We may have to add some new tiers if she keeps going. Thanks Christine! đŸ’Ș

Don’t forget you can get in on the action too. Just grab your unique share link at the bottom of today’s email and send it to a friend.

Mentioned in today’s newsletter: Twitter, Meta, and Artifact. Plus exposing the energy vampires lurking on your calendar, and how to fire off 10-15+ LinkedIn connections every day without hand cramps.

Read time: 3 minutes and 34 seconds

Together with Apollo

Need Leads? Access 250m+ Vetted Contacts in Just a Few Clicks With Apollo

You don’t get paid to prospect.

That’s why every freelancer should aim to spend as little time as possible on it. And if you’re looking for the fastest way to get vetted contact info for high-quality leads in any niche, Apollo has got you covered.

Their sales intelligence and engagement platform lets you search, engage and convert over 250 million contacts at over 60 million companies. Plus there’s no credit card required to sign up. So if you need leads, click below to learn more:

Making the Rounds

  • Twitter’s ad revenues projected to fall almost 30% this year. With many big advertisers sitting on the bench, Twitter’s ad revenues have taken a major hit. Insider Intelligence forecasts ad revenue will drop from $4.14 billion last year to just $2.98 billion this year, which would represent a decline of 27.9%.

  • Meta reveals their top tips to maximize ad performance. The company recently launched two new video series to help advertisers boost results.

  • Artifact launches social discussions. The “TikTok for news” app, created by Instagram founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, now allows users to comment and engage in discussions with other users about news stories.

Working For Yourself

Spotted: Energy Vampires Lurking On Your Calendar

Ever heard of a time audit?

This is an exercise where you track how you spend your time for a 7-day period.

The point is to cultivate awareness about how much time you’re really putting into different tasks, and then reflect on whether that aligns with your stated priorities.

Well, the time audit’s got a younger sibling that’s not quite as popular

But can have an even greater impact on your happiness and productivity day-to-day.

It’s called an energy audit.

Here’s how it works:

Instead of looking at how much time you spend on each task to see if it aligns with your priorities

Look at everything on your calendar and ask:

✅ Did this fill me up with energy? Did I feel more energized after?
❌ Or did this drain me of energy? Did I feel more fatigued after?

It’s a simple assessment.

But the results can be pretty eye-opening.

Because if you’re spending the bulk of your days and weeks on tasks that drain you of energy

Then you’ll probably feel fatigued, frustrated, or even burned out.

Meanwhile, if you’re spending the lion’s share of your time on tasks that gas you up

Then you’ll probably feel excited, motivated, and inspired.

So the next step is to rearrange your calendar (as much as you can) to have less energy vampire work and more of the stuff that fills up your tank.

Give this a try and let us know how it goes.

Tool of the Week

How to Fire Off 10-15+ LinkedIn Connections Every Day Without Hand Cramps

Every freelancer should be active on LinkedIn right now.

It’s one of the most relevant places to establish your personal brand so you can attract more clients, and the organic reach on the platform is unmatched.

But it still takes work to grow your audience.

One of the fastest ways to do that is to send personalized connection requests to people in your niche.

Now, you don’t have to treat these like a cold email or pour hours into personalizing each one.

A few minutes of extra effort goes a long way.

 Especially when you’ve got TextExpander on your side.

With TextExpander, you can create shortcodes to save time on repetitive typing.

For example, here’s a template you might use for connection requests:


Hey [NAME],

Liked your comment on one of [INFLUENCER]’s recent posts. Also, love how you [insert a compliment about something from their profile]! I’m always looking to learn more about [TOPIC]. Thought we should connect. Cheers! :)


Instead of having to retype that every time or copy-paste it from a Google doc

You could set up ‘lcc’ as the shortcode.

So every time you type ‘lcc’, TextExpander would auto-populate your template.

Then all you have to do is fill in the blanks!

Pretty cool, right?

It’s been a game-changer for us, and if you’re active on LinkedIn, we highly recommend checking it out.

Bonus Points

Gig Alerts

Looking for clients? These freelance jobs were posted on Upwork in the last 24 hours:

NOTE: We only share job postings from Upwork. We’ve found it to be the most trustworthy platform with the highest-quality clients.

Furthermore, job postings must be for high-income skills like copywriting, media buying, funnel building, graphic design, remote closing, etc in order to qualify.

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